
Privacy statement

Privacy statement

How does manage personal data to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation?

This document applies to

What is personal data?
As defined by law, personal data are all data relating to an identified or identifiable person. The combination of a name and date or birth, contact details and a passport photograph are all examples of personal data. The law also acknowledges special personal data; this data is extra sensitive and requires additional protection. Examples of special personal data include health data or financial data.

  • Our privacy statement

    1. What type of data do we collect? collects various personal data from customers (food truck entrepreneurs and individuals looking for a food truck), potential customers, employees, interns, interviewees, suppliers and visitors to the website if necessary. These people will from now on be referred to as: interested parties.

    We record the data from interested parties when they register for a service, when an agreement is signed or at other times when interested parties are contacted.
    The source will be known to us if we collect personal data without the cooperation of the interested party.

    We will collect the following personal data:

    1. Last name and first name of customer
    2. Last name and first name of clients
    3. address
    4. zip code
    5. place of residence
    6. telephone
    7. Chamber of commerce number
    8. IBAN
    9. Insurance details
    10. Various image and sound materials

    2. For what purposes do we require personal data? needs personal data from customers (food truck entrepreneurs and individuals who are looking for a food truck), potential customers, employees, interns, interviewees, suppliers and visitors to the website in order to do its job properly.

    We use these data:

    1. To offer online marketing activities/acquisition activities
    2. To answer questions and complaints from interested parties and third parties
    3. As part of labor relations
    4. In order to comply with legislation and regulations
    5. For PR purposes/customer loyalty and communication about organizational developments
    6. For financial administration
    7. For business operational support
    8. To log data.

    If data is used for other purposes, we will inform the interested parties.

    3. On what grounds do we process personal data?

    We will process the aforementioned personal data because:

    • The processing is necessary to implement an agreement that the interested party forms part of (e.g. An agreement for online marketing/generating assignments for food trucks or an employment contract),
    • Or to implement measures at the request of the interested party as part of the agreement, or
    • The processing is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligations, or
    • The interested party has given (explicit) consent for the processing of his/her personal data for one or more of the purposes described above. Please note: an interested party can withdraw consent at any time.

    4. Who will we share personal data with? uses the collected personal data for its own business operations. To that end, it may be necessary to share personal data with its own employees and - in some cases - with interns. The data may also be shared with organizations that perform activities on our behalf or that we cooperate with, for example a financial service provider, food truck suppliers, event organizers or a cloud/software supplier.

    If another party or organization performs work on our behalf (e.g. a professional service provider or software supplier), then a data processing agreement will be signed with this party. This agreement states for what purpose they are receiving the data, how they may process it and how they should handle the data.In addition, government authorities or other authorities can be charged with a legal task to obtain information from us and we are obliged to share this information.

    5. How do we use and protect personal data? links personal data to unique codes (account number, debtor number or employee number and/or complaint number) in order to make communication possible. This is necessary for us to do our work. We do not process any more personal data than necessary for these activities. We will never publish personal data without consent from interested parties and other relations.

    Storage periods
    Personal data will be stored as described below. We will observe the legally required storage periods. After this period, we will destroy the personal data, or store data in such a way that data can no longer be traced to an individual. We will do this only for the purposes of statistical or trend analysis.

    • Financial/administrative registrations (also relating to employees)
    • The data will be removed from the current system after the last contact with the registered individual (following termination of the account). The data can then be stored in an archive for registration. Once the storage period for thisdata has expired (7 years), the relevant personal data in the archive will be destroyed within a period of one year.
    • Complaintregistrationswill be stored for as long as the data are required for the purpose for which they were collected or are being used. Once the storage period has expired, the relevant personal data in the archive will be destroyed within a period of one year.
    • Archive for registrationhas been set up for the archiving of data in order to comply with the legal storage obligation. The archive registration will be destroyed after a period of 7 years after the last contact with the registered party.
    • Registration of data on surfing behavior with theuse of cookies allows us to ensure that our websites function properly and analyze the behavior of our anonymous website visitors. In addition, external parties can place cookies on our websites, allowing them - for example - to display advertisementsthat match the interests of website visitors. We always ask for permission to place cookies.

    We and our suppliers will take all the required technical and organizational safety measures that are necessary to prevent abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. If something does go wrong, we will inform the interested parties if necessary.

    6. What rights do interested parties have?

    Every interested party has the right to inspect, correct, supplement, delete, have forgotten, restrict, make transmissible and object to the processing of his personal data free of charge.

    Any request to exercise these rights will receive a response within 4 weeks. If we are unable to meet this deadline, we will inform the person who has submitted the request within 4 weeks about the reason for the delay and provide a date for a reply.

    Requests can be submitted to via e-mail. ([email protected] with reference to "Removal of personal data")

    If a request for inspection is submitted, the requesting party will receive a complete overview of the processed data, the origin of the data, the recipients of the data and the purposes for which the data were processed.

    We will not supply the following data:

    • Personal work notes and notes for internal use.
    • Personal data from third parties, for example a complaint, will not be supplied.
    • Personal data that will be used in the prevention, detection and prosecution of criminal offenses and other cases listed in Article 10 of the GDPR.

    The interested party must be identified first before a request for inspection or objection can be processed. You can identify yourself in person with an ID card or passport (the original). If the interested party is younger than 16 years of age, or lacks legal capacity, then the request must be submitted by the legal representative.

    Request for correction
    Corrections of personal data will only be honored if the data is incorrect, incomplete for the purpose for which the data was collected, or if the data is not relevant or has been processed in breach of the law. If the request for correction is honored, then will implement the changes as soon as possible. We will also pass on any changes to third parties who have received this data in the past, unless this notification is impossible or requires a disproportionate effort. Data will then be deleted as soon as possible.

    Request for deletion
    Data will be deleted if, for example, it is found that personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which the data was collected or otherwise processed, or if the interested parties withdraw consent and there are no other legal basis for processing. We will also delete personal data if the interested party has a valid objection to the processing, if the personal data have been processed unlawfully, or to comply with any legal obligations, or if the personal data have been collected in relation to a direct offer for internet services.

    Being forgotten?
    The interested party also has the right "to be forgotten" under certain conditions. This right is an extension of the right to deletion of data. This relates to situations in which FoodtruckBooking.Com has published the interested party's personal data (for example, by placing them online) and the interested party has asked for the data to be deleted. Following deletion of the data from our own systems, we will take reasonable technical and organizational measures to inform other parties responsible for the processing of personal data about the fact that the interested party wishes to be forgotten. This means that any link to a copy or reproduction of the data must be deleted. Everyone has the right to deletion and the right to be forgotten.

    Limited processing
    Sometimes the interested party has the right to demand that personal data is not processed for a period of time. This restriction on processing applies, for example, in the period that is required to verify the accuracy of personal data, or in the event that no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes, but the interested party needs the data for establishing, exercising or substantiating a legal claim. The interested party will be informed before these restrictions are lifted, so that a complaint can be submitted to the Dutch Data Protection Agency or a legal claim can be established in a timely manner.

    The right to transmissibility only applies to supplied data that we have processed in an automated manner based on the following principles: "the unambiguous or explicit consent from the interested party" or "the necessity for implementation of the agreement." We will make every effort to develop data formats that facilitate the transmissibility of data and thereby simplify the right to transmissibility.

    Right to objection
    An interested party can invoke the right to objection in three situations.

    • Firstly, due to personal circumstances against processing based on the following principles: "the need to perform a task in the public interest or to exercise public authority" or a legitimate interest by In that case, we will stop the processing, unless there are compelling, justified grounds based on which our interests outweigh the interests of the interested party to stop processing.
    • Secondly, the interested party can object to the processing ofpersonal data with a view to direct marketing. Such an objection will always be honored.
    • Thirdly, the interested party can object to the processing of theirdata for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes on the grounds of reasons relating specifically to his situation. We will honor this objection, unless the processing is essential to performing a task in the general public interest.

    7. Right to submit a complaint or legal claim

    Every interested party has the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Agency, if the interested party is of the opinion that is not complying with the General Data Protection Regulation. See

    It is also possible to take the matter to court; the claim will then be based on an unlawful act. We hope that it will not reach this stage and will always try to meet our obligations before this stage.

    8. Personal data and digital media

    When visiting our websites and taking care of business via our websites, we ask for permission to record personal data. If a person has completed a contact form on one of our websites, or has sent us an e-mail, then the data will be stored as long as this is necessary for the complete answering and processing of the question.

    We will process the personal data that we are supplied with via these websites in accordance with this privacy declaration.

    The websites of make use of cookies. The use of cookies allows us to ensure that our websites function properly and to analyse the behavior of our anonymous website visitors. In addition, external parties can place cookies via this website. This ensures that you will see advertisements matching your interests. We need to ask your permission to place cookies by external parties.

    Change cookie settings

    Cookies are small text files that record your preferences whilst surfing and store them on your computer. Some cookies are temporary and will be deleted as soon as you close your browser. Other cookies are permanent and will remain on your computer for a longer period of time. Cookies cannot collect information from documents saved on your computer.

    Some of these cookies are essential to the proper functioning of the websites of By visiting our website, you agree to the cookie policy of

    Cookies have various functions. Firstly, they help you while surfing by remembering passwords, log-in names and preferences, such as your language setting. In addition, they are used for Google Analytics to keep track of how many visitors visit the websites and to analyze the behavior of our anonymous website visitors. This allows us, for example, to see which parts of the websites are popular. tries to use this information to improve the websites and make our pages as user-friendly as possible. does not use cookies to collect personal information about you. has signed a processing agreement with Googlewhich allows Google to act only as the processor of the data.

    Functionalities provided by external parties are used for certain functionalities on the websites of For example, pages with videos will link to YouTube or Vimeo and pages with location maps will link to Google Maps. This content provided by external parties can contain cookies, ensuring that - for example - adverts can be shown that are tailored to match your interests. You can consult the relevant party's cookie policy to check how these external parties process cookies.

    You can always switch off the use of cookies. You can do this via the settings in your browser. Please consult the Help function in your browser for an explanation of how this works. Please note that when you switch off the use of cookies, certain parts of the website will no longer function correctly.

    You can also click on the links below for more detailed instructions.

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